Fun & Interesting



We have 5 Children; our two youngest, Ezra and Simon, are Autistic.

We hope Ezra and Simon's stories help bring awareness and acceptance to those on the Autism spectrum. They are such an important part of our family. We wouldn't be complete without them.

In a world that constantly distracts us with the unsatisfying need for more possessions, our new hyper-focus is on building strong relationships with our kids and finding joy in the journey through experiencing God's creations together. We sold our house, renovated an RV, and traveled to all the National Parks in mainland USA!

Hey Friends, here is how we can support you, and you can support us ❤️
Get our Free Book -
Join our ASD Club -
Apply for One-On-One Coaching -

Mailing Address
PO BOX 234
Springville, UT 84663