あゆこのアイルランド田舎暮らし 〜 Lafcadio's Irish legacy 〜
小泉八雲 (Lafcadio Hearn) の愛したアイルランド南東の海街Tramoreよりお届け!
ローカルな暮らしぶりやLafcadioの家族にちなんだ場所やお話をLafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens に勤める夫とともにご紹介します。
Hi! I'm Ayuko. I'm the descendant of Lafcadio Hearn, a writer who is known as Koizumi Yakumo in Japan.
While I was retracing his life journey (Greece, Ireland, USA, Japan, etc.)
I decided to move to Tramore, a small seaside town that Lafcadio used to visit.
I would like to share my experience with you, both as his descendant and as a Japanese person living in Ireland.
Thank you for reading!
See you soon!