내래 죽어도 좋다'는 각오로 탈북민 선교를 통해 복음통일을 준비하는 내래TV입니다.
최광 선교사와 탈북민들 가운데 역사하신 하나님의 놀라운 일들을 다양한 내러티브(이야기) 형식으로 나눕니다
북한출신 하나님의 군대를 일으켜 세우시는 주님의 위대한 His Story의 한 페이지를 북한선교 Narrative를 통해 확인해보세요.
그리고 함께 중보하고 동참해주세요. 감사합니다.
-최광 선교사 올림-
(ENG) Naerae TV portrays Missionary Kwang and his North Korean Defectors ministry.
It started with the determination that is shown from his book title, “It’s fine should I die”.
We anticipate the reunification of the two Koreas through the gospel.
This channel will tell various stories of Kwang Choi and the amazing works God has done among the North Korean defectors.
Check out ‘His story’ of God through the narratives of the North Korean Defectors Mission
. And see how God is raising up a mighty army of North Korea. Please join us in prayer and intercession. Thank you.
-Missionary Kwang Choi-