The YouTube channel "Agriculture Today" is a channel that focuses on contemporary and up-to-date information, trends, and practices in the field of agriculture.
This channel provide step by step information about all crops from sowing to harvesting storage till marketing.
There has never been a more important time for innovation in agriculture. Our world faces enormous challenges, including a changing climate, limited natural resources and a growing population & I believe agriculture is part of the solutions.
Although, I don’t have all the answers, my passion for discovery, collaboration and curiosity means, I will never stop striving to find them.
Through our work, I am committed to delivering better solutions for all farmers while enabling more choice for consumers to help them and our planet thrive. #agriculture #crops #fertilizer ers #pulses #oilseeds #agriculturetoday #cereals #sowing method #yield #production #zaraat #pesticides #trikosh #phytocheck #phytobooster