Fun & Interesting

Ethan Lazzerini

Ethan Lazzerini

🧿 Author of 4 crystal healing books. Get my FREE Ebook to Discover Your Guardian Stone!
I've been working with crystals for over 25 years. Subscribe for crystal guides and tips, crystal grids plus empowering oracle and tarot readings.

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with the law in several countries I must point out that all my readings are for entertainment purposes only. The information on my channel is purely spiritual and metaphysical in nature and in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with a licensed medical practitioner, medicine, or medical treatment. Nor is it a substitute for advice from a legal, financial or mental health professional. Results with crystals, readings, alternative healing or manifesting will vary for different people and cannot be guaranteed. Any use of the information in my videos is at the viewer’s discretion and risk.