~~About Toxic Baby~~
Toxic Baby aka Angry Baby. 上班時勞勞氣氣,下班後毒女一名,鍾情玄彬、 孔劉 等大叔級韓星。因嫁了Crying Oppa,韓文程度尚算不錯,專門挖掘獨家新聞,將大叔韓星動向公諸同好。
"Toxic" in Cantonese can be used to describe someone who is overwhelmingly obsessed with something to the detriment of social skills. It is equivalent to the word "Otaku". Toxic Baby is so named because she is sooooo addicted to a few Korean Uncles Stars especially HYUN BIN and she is creating videos relating to them. All videos are Chinese and English subbed!
Toxic Baby was also known as Angry Baby because she is very often angry while working in office. Only after work does she become Toxic and immerse herself in the K-wave world.
~~About Crying Oppa~~
來自首爾的Oppa和港女Angry Baby結婚後變成了Crying Oppa。每天在旺角教室,日以繼夜春風化雨教韓文
An oppa from Korea has become Crying Oppa since marrying to Angry Baby (because she gets angry too easily). Crying Oppa runs his own Korean classes in Hong Kong and create Korean teaching videos on Youtube.