Fun & Interesting

Shyamala Ramesh Babu - CHISEL and EVOLVE

Shyamala Ramesh Babu - CHISEL and EVOLVE

CHISEL & EVOLVE with its tag line "Discover the 'YOU' in you" is a platform that helps people to introspect and unleash their potential.

Shyamala Ramesh Babu is a Chennai based Motivational speaker and founder of Chisel & Evolve a motivational training platform which is a unit of her Event management company Swadesh Events, is the name among thousands of Parents, Students, Teachers, corporate circle and general public who struggle and surge ahead in search of parenting tips, setting goals and staying motivated.

She is known for her expertise in tailor fitting the messages to the audiences whether it is a crowd of HR executives, School Children, Parents, Teachers or general public.

She is also an Author & all India resource person for Oxford university press through which she continues to cater to the teaching community, through her motivational sessions with key focus on study skills /Life skills/Teaching enhancement areas/Teacher-student relationship etc...