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Swadeshi Chikitsa Nirmal

Swadeshi Chikitsa Nirmal

Ayurvedic Treatment for all type of Diseases.Pure Swadesi Gharelu Upchar.100% free of costs.

अष्टाङ्गहृदयम्, आयुर्वेद का प्रसिद्ध ग्रंथ है। इसके रचयिता वाग्भट हैं। इसका रचनाकाल ५०० ईसापूर्व से लेकर २५० ईसापूर्व तक अनुमानित है। इस ग्रन्थ में ग्रन्थ औषधि और शल्यचिकित्सा दोनो का समावेश है। चरकसंहिता, सुश्रुतसंहिता और अष्टाङ्गहृदयम् को सम्मिलित रूप से वृहत्त्रयी कहते हैं।

Ashtangahrrudayam is a famous book of Ayurveda. Its author is Vagbhat. Its creation period is estimated from 500 BCE to 250 BCE. This book consists of both text and surgery. Charaksamhita, Sushrutasamhita and Ashtagrhridayam are collectively called Vrihatrai.

Rajiv Dixit (1967—2010) was an Indian social activist and conspiracy theorist. Reliable sources have accused him of being a fraud. He launched a movement in the early 1990s as a campaign to protect Indian industries.

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