Abul Makarim Md Ahmadullah. He is World Traveler and a lawyer in Bangladesh.
He traveled to 36 cities in 6 countries and 62 districts of Bangladesh. His Plan Every year he will travel to at least 3 countries.
He is a Famous Hajj & Umrah Trainer and has written several books on Hajj and Umrah and others.
Makarim considers himself an Islamic history and heritage lover. He travels through cities with a rich Islamic heritage, whether abroad or in Bangladesh. He traveled through the whole of Bangladesh, and 62 Districts of Bangladesh to promote the Islamic and Historical Heritage Tourism of Bangladesh. Makarim is visiting all the archaeological and Islamic historical sites of Bangladesh, documenting through videos and photographs, and sharing those on social media.
Especially He created video content about Hajj and Umrah training and Islamic documentaries of different places.
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/MakarimVideos
Website: www.makarimahmadullah.com
Phone # 01842825057