Fun & Interesting

Stellwork Studio

Stellwork Studio

Stell from Stellwork Studio is an excitedly eclectic multi-disciplinary artist, currently focusing on pottery as a profession. She has a small pottery studio in Petoskey, Michigan, where she further clutters up the place with stashes for what she calls “Trash Crafts” - bags, totes, and piles of plastic bags, old bedsheets, neckties, blue jeans, t-shirts, newspapers and the like to cut up to make new and useful stuff.
Stell is also an enthusiastic petter of pets, enjoys exercising her once-but-no-longer renowned vocal prowess at the local watering hole with her rockstar friends and offspring, and is FINALLY learning how to do exciting things with her hair - a skill that totally escaped her previous to age 40.

Pottery can be purchased at Sturgeon River Pottery and at Northgoods, both in Petoskey, MI
Buy Me A Coffee
Venmo @Stellwork
Mailing address PO Box 461, Petoskey, MI 49770