Fun & Interesting



This channel focusses on urban, travel and countryside EDC and tips.
I look at the small items that make a big difference in helping you navigate modern life in simple, confident competence.

By EDC - I mean - Everyday Carry, Everyday Convenience & Everyday Competence

EDC starts with pocket carry and extends out into useful tips, tools and toolkits. It includes anything that makes life a little easier. I show a range of equipment reviews and ideas to help better prepare for everyday and unusual situations that crop up as we go about our lives. This includes some everyday tech for non-techies as well. I am based in the UK so you won't see any guns or large lock knives.

As a modern man/traveller/Dad/Grandad I have a lot of life experience with some suitable and usefull ideas for everyone. I know that EDC is often more of a boy's (man's) interest and I will try to make sure that the videos interest women as well. I really welcome all comments helping me to get better.