My name is Chris. I am 32. I suffered a stroke in early 2015. My right side of my body is slightly paralyzed making it difficult to move my right hand to do anything major because Iam not able to move my thumb wrist or fingers with precision. Basically a claw lol. The cause of the stroke was from medications used to treat bipolar/ depression and insomnia., perscribed by my doctor.. I shorly began having side affect from taking them shortly afte taking them but nothing major. / I apparently collased and had a stroke said to be a rare side affect of these medications. My father and his fiancé fond me on the floor when they heard me collapse and sleeked medical help. I stayed in the hospital 4 months after that undergoing physical therapy until i was able to walk again. I am still able to enjoy games using my Razer Naga left handed edition MMO mouse. It has 19 buttons on it allowing me do a lot of things with my one functioning hand. I try to stay positive about my situation.