Hello ...
I'm an Architect-Environmental Planner, Technical writer, Dreamer, Author of 4 Books (2020), Visiting faculty, Local Government and Climate Change/Disaster Management Expert from Bangladesh... working for mitigating the risk of Disaster impacts and the "Climate Victims" with the provision of Multi-storied Slum Apartment, Protection of Hilly areas, Agriculture land, Rivers, Canals and Water bodies in the country since 1996 with appreciation of the relevant Authority. I published 4 (four) books on Environmental Planning, Environmental protection and Civic Awareness and Climate Change impacts on Chattogram city of Bangladesh...
Moreover, I've been working for the Biodiversity Protection and Restoration at Fatyabad in Chattogram from 2003-04 to 2011-12 relentlessly and earned the Honourable "Prime Minister's Gold Medal for Environmental Protection-2010" ultimately.
Therefore, Please, watch my videos and extend your Heartiest support in this regard...
Best regards
Take care..!