Fun & Interesting



As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Dear Brothers and sisters!
Our Intention is to educate the young (or adult) generation of the Umma with cartoons based on Islamic Knowledge and morals. With our videos, we try to teach the Arabic language so that the reading of the Holy Quran will be easy even for those who can't read the Arabic language and are not familiar with the Arabic alphabet.

Not only are we trying to help read the Quran but also to teach Arabic to non-arabic people and those of you who want to improve their language skills. The Arabic language is a very beautiful language which can't be learned in one day or one month but in a long period of time with a lot of practice. But with the support of our Videos, it will help you achieve your goals faster!

Our Videos don't contain any kind of haram music or other haram contents so feel free to share this YouTube Channel with your friends and your family!
If you recognize any kind of forbidden contents please inform us.