飛行機、アエロバティックの関連イベント動画を紹介するチャンネルです。 2001年のもてぎ観戦をきっかけにアエロバティックに目覚め、いつしかパイロットの皆さんと懇意にさせてもらうようになりました。エアショーやトレーニングにて撮影した動画を紹介しています。みなさん、是非エアショー会場に足を運んで迫力のフライトを堪能しましょう!!
On this channel, "Tsuyuki" reports about events related to airplanes and aerobatics. Since watching the "Haute Voltige 2001" FAI Grand Prix of Aerobatics in Motegi Twin Ring I have come to have a strong interest in Aerobatics. After making my first video from that event, I had the opportunity to become acquainted with aerobatics pilots frequenting the Fujikawa Airfield near my home in Numazu. Recently the opportunities to attend airshows and training together with them increased. My channel report about these events movies. So, come along to the air shows with me and enjoy the dynamic flights!