This channel is entirely dedicated to the Universe, Galaxys, Blackholes, Stars, Planets, Neutron Stars, Volcanoes, Nuclear, Nebulas, Solar System, Moons, Exoplanets, Pulsar star, Aliens, Pyramids, Multiverse, Light Year, Extinct Animals, Extinction, Earth History, Earth and all science based topics. My goal is to show you everything in a simple way in Tamil. This is a completely informational channel, and we are pleased to show it through animation so that everyone can enjoy viewing it from tiny children to adults. Your support is what inspires us to offer you more and more fresh information Pearl, we get the majority of our input from ISRO, NASA and European Space Agency blogs, we appreciate your continuing support.
அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம், இந்த பிரபஞ்சம் ஒரு அழகான மற்றும் அற்புதமான பல அதிசயங்களை கொண்டது, அதை பற்றி அனைவருக்கும் தமிழில் காட்சி மூலியமாக காட்டுவதே எனது நோக்கம் நன்றி .