INTRODUCTION: My channel started out as a way to share some vacation and basketball videos. I also shared some music from my childhood heroes. I grew up with Roy Orbison and the first band I got crazy about was Racey (also my first record). But a bigger impact had the 2nd LP that I ever bought, the one by ska band The Selecter. In my teens David Bowie & Prince were my idols and by the time I reached my 20's I had this very long reggae phase, which -of course- started with Bob Marley. After that, Seattle Grunge took over, and for the past 10 years I've been running several Facebook groups and YouTube channels focussed on Doom Metal and assorted genres. But whenever I need a break from that I always go back to Roots Reggae (or sometimes Funk). So recently (autumn 2024) I decided to use my "private" channel to promote some of the music that I love outside the realm of rock/metal. Don't expect regular updates but I'll upload some of the stuff that I deem worthy of sharing ๐. Enjoy!