Fun & Interesting

Max & Jen Adventures

Max & Jen Adventures

Budget Traveling & Local Experiences

Sharing Our Travels & Vanlife Journey :

Two weirdos from different sides of the world, France & Canada.
Keeping it interesting with our own version of international living and travel!

In 2018 we met in Australia, two solo backpackers, and the real adventures began.
After so many years together traveling with backpacks and days filled with crazy adventures, we decided that it was time to start a new chapter
& this channel was born!
Fall 2023

Come with us as we backpack the world, try new things, live in our van , and all the stuff in between.

Let us know what you want to see in the comments!

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Feel free to reach out to us through the comment section or by sending us a message through our Instagram pages. (Linked)

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