Fun & Interesting

Farmer P

Farmer P

The main themes you are going to find here involve stuff that goes on around our small farm with myself and the family, and of course our livestock, plus a fair bit of previous two wheeled action. I have been riding motorcycles on and off for forty years. As well as running our small farm, I am also a qualified ISA, RFS & AA tech Cert Arborist and a trained and qualified pest controller, In short there are many themes to my channel, some of which wont suit all viewers, I will post up a title warning for any films some more delicate individuals may find offensive.
No videos I post are intended to be outwardly rude or offensive, they simply reflect the way I look at life from my own unique (Sometimes tongue in cheek) perspective.
If there is something anyone wants to see or learn about, as long as its not of a prying or personal nature please feel free to ask.
I enjoy a bit of fun and banter and am quite happy to take constructive criticisms and judgement from anywhere. ๐Ÿšœ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’ฉ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘