Some leaks
Some memes
Some other stuff related to Payday
Basically. (A guy once described me as the 'Behind The Scenes' guy, that seems like a pretty accurate statement).
If you're a YouTuber like ConnorShaw etc. and wanna use any of the shit I upload, like some music, fire away and use whatever you want - no need to ask. Just... you know... don't re-upload in its entirety (with no changes) and pretend it's yours please?
All the beautiful stuff like the channel header and avatar is done by Athener:
If you like what to see be sure to send him some love!
*PLEASE NOTE*: There is no official Steam group for my channel, if you come across one then it's either fake or a steam group I used to manage but then left because I'm a lazy asshole. **So in short, there is no Steam group for this channel.**