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Suki stories

Suki stories

✨ 关于Suki的故事 | About Suki's Stories ✨
🎀 大家好,我是Suki!
Hi there! I’m Suki!
As a beauty and nail art educator, I’m passionate about exploring the world of beauty and sharing professional tips and life inspirations. Welcome to your beauty hub!

💄 你可以在这里看到什么?| What to Expect
💅 美妆教学 | Makeup Tutorials:从日常妆到晚宴妆,一步步帮你打造完美造型。
From daily looks to glamorous evening styles, I’ve got you covered.
🎨 美甲灵感 | Nail Art Inspiration:最潮美甲款式、DIY教程、幕后探店,尽在这里!
The latest trends, DIY tutorials, and behind-the-scenes stories.
🎥 生活Vlog | Lifestyle Vlogs:我的工作日常、幕后故事,以及生活中的点滴温暖。
A glimpse into my daily work, behind-the-scenes moments, and personal life stories.

🌟 为什么关注我? | Why Subscribe?
Love expressing yourself through colours and creativity? Subscribe and let’s explore the beauty world together!

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