Fun & Interesting

Arte Despojada

Arte Despojada

Learn CRAFTS and have an [EXTRA INCOME]

Arte Despojada emerged in March 2019, through the idea of ​​sisters-in-law Alice Gomes and Fernanda Albanesi, who discovered themselves as art lovers and decided to start this new journey together.

She made beautiful pieces in macramé, but I followed another path, at first with stained glass varnish painting and then, out of necessity, I had to find another art to develop and as I had already known the art of Pointillism through another sister-in-law, I decided to surrender. and focus on this new beginning.
A little over 1 year after I started to develop pointillism, I was encouraged by my love Leandro Albanesi to make the channel, for who knows how to inspire other people to learn this technique so wonderful for our body and mind.
More than art, Pointillism became my therapy and since then I want to spread love in the form of dots, wherever art can reach!

Welcome, everyone.
God bless you.
Alice Gomes
The Dots Girl!