Dr Shubhindu Thakur is a Renowned indian vedic Astrologer ,Who Specializes in Kundali Reading.
Dr thakur has been a student of science, Due to his great interest in astrology, he has done PhD in Medical astrology (Alternative medicine) and MSc in chemistry.
Dr Thakur has given more than 15 thousand consultations till now and many people have improved their lives.
Just by working hard,Just by thinking positive,just by keeping a good self confidence,just by applying will power&just by having a good concentration on the goal,
A person can not achieve success unless an until the time phase is also not positive in his life & more over the fruit for which the person is trying hard should be there in the destiny of the person concerned,
"I am only told that what is in your destiny ,which you are trying hard to achieve it is in your hand or not.
आभार व धन्यवाद 🙏💐
Dr Shubhindu Thakur
ज्योतिष प्रभाकर एवं ज्योतिष प्रवीण
For Appointment :- 9807740732