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Shakahari Kitchen

Shakahari Kitchen

You are what you eat. The Vedic scriptures divide food into three categories: sattvic - foods in the mode of goodness, rajasic - foods in the mode of passion, and tamasic - foods in the mode of ignorance. The Bhagavad-gita states that sattvic food is the purest, creating positive vibrations that promote happiness and satisfaction. This type of food, when offered to the Lord, is called prasadam. It is the perfection of all cooking, as it cleanses and revives the self and promotes spiritual progress. It satisfies the senses, captivates the mind and enriches the soul.
Shakahari Kitchen brings you sattvic recipes to lead healthy and happy lives, in harmony with the laws of Nature, in compassion with your fellow beings and with spiritually elevated consciousness. #vegetarian #cooking #recipes #healthyeating #shakahari"#shakaharikichen