Maithili shaan youtube channel मे अपने समस्त दर्शक लोकैन के हार्दिक अभिनंदन करैत अछी
अपने सबहक मनोरञ्जनक लेल विविध प्रकारक जनचेतना मुलक मैथिली नाटक आ , maithili comedy , समाज मे घटना घटल पर अधारित comedy, आ अन्य सब विभिन्न कलाकारक माध्यम सँ देखेवाक प्रयास सगंहि मैथिली भाषाक विकास आ समाजमे रहल बिभिन्न प्रकारकक विकृति विसंगति maithili comedy video, माध्यमसँ हटेवाक छोटसन प्रयास क रहल छी
Hello ,
wish you greet to all the audiences towards our you tube channel #maithili_shaan via this channel we would my our best to entertain the audiences showing various types of subconcious maithili dramas, maithili comedies ,comedies,based on events that happens commonly in our societies .
Not only that my channel, myself will also try to upload maithili songs and videos but in different languages through various actors.This is our small effort to eradicate various types of superstitous, traditional beliefs and other illegal activities.
Maithili Shaan