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Best Brands Perfume

Best Brands Perfume

SUBSCRIBE FOR ICE CREAM! I've been in love with fragrances since a child of 8 years old. In 1996, I started Fragrances Collecting Fragrances combined with a passion for fitness and healthy living lifestyle. Passion, Gratitude, Innovation, Goals, Ambition, Vision, Flow, Clarity, Concentration, Volition, Peak Performance, Relationships, Caring, Service to Others, Efficiency, Generosity, Appreciation, are all part of the brand.
- Raised Money for Charity
- Removed Trash From Our Oceans
- Help Build housing for Homeless
- Helped Restore Old Trains at the Transportaion Museum
- Donated over 1000 Fragrances to anyone and everyone
- Gave away Fragrances to Homeless People on the Streets, actually
- Read over 350 Books on Healthy Living
- Gave 2 hours of Meditation to myself in one sitting
- Sold Fragrances for $1
- Lost 70lbs in 3 years and gained back 30 of it and holding.
- 20+ Neices and Nephews in real life
- Gives 50% Off Codes Every Month
- UNC is now MR50