This is A Benglish {Bengali + English} Science and Facts Info Channel from a Science Lover.
Hi friends, I'm Saranya Purkait (Piter) and I welcome you all to this Fact and Science channel. In today’s world knowledge and information is everything. Through this channel I aim to provide my viewers just that! We talk about all the amazing, mysterious, interesting and weird facts that may sound unbelievable but are scientific and strangely true. You can find a list of videos related to science, space, self-development, self-improvement, strange and interesting mysteries about our life, world, countries, universe, human brain and psychology for a better life.
I brought a lifestyle guys, that leads by the slogan “Knowledge is Enlightenment”. And we need you all wonderful people as members of this family! So SUBSCRIBE to be a part of us. Together we all will rock! :-)
#saranya #purkait #saranyapurkait #saranya_purkait