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淳手藝 Artistry

淳手藝 Artistry

大家好,我是Vivian ,一個生活在台灣的公立國中老師兼Youtuber😎

🎶我進行了低碳/生酮飲食6年,因為從中獲得很多身體上的改善(控制體重、凍齡、零白髮),進而撰寫食譜於Youtube及臉書粉絲專頁分享,其中不僅分享低碳生酮/控制體重/養生食譜也分享我的休閒生活(車泊、露營、自由行)和我的教學 ❤️





Hi everyone, I am Vivian,a junior high school teacher and Youtuber living in Taiwan.
I have been on the low carb or keto diet for about 6 years.
Hope to share more low carb keto recipes and my life with you through this channel.
If you like my channel, remember to subscribe to me!Thanks.
New videoes weekly.

如果喜歡我的影片,請別忘按讚 訂閱 及留言喔~ 謝謝!
Thank you for watching. If you like my video, don't forget to click like, comment, and subscribe!

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