D-Like’s"D"as in"Driving","Drift"and"Dream".To Wish to provide
our customers a big fun of driving,finding the feeling like a
man-and-horse relationship and believing we can go to higher places
without any limitation,we decided this name.
Drift,is an acrobat performance of cars.It always attracts the
drivers and also the audience.The root of our emotion comes from a
very simple motive ,we want to tell people how drift is fun.
We are earnestly pursuing to improve our products,and believing our
emotion will infect to out customers
"Real-Dri"(real style drift),this is an apt phrase that express
about D-Like,that involves a determination to pursue providing the
same drive feeling as real cars on the RC cars without any compromise.
We are keeping on seeing higher with our customers.Let's Enjoy DRIFT!!