Fun & Interesting

Austin Ross (arosswelding)

Austin Ross (arosswelding)

I want to be your in-between guy. Your friend and first "in," on your way to making rig welding or pipeline welding your career. You know how to weld. Now, you just need the secrets.

Hi, I'm Austin. A family man, rig welder, and pipeliner. Eleven years ago I didn't know squat about pipeline and what it took to be a pipeline welder. Since then I have learned how to not only live this lifestyle but how to succeed in it. Here I will teach you what I know in hopes that it will save you a lot of time, money, and hardship.

I believe truly finding success in this industry means you have to learn not only your skill, but how to make the lifestyle work for you and your family. No more going in blind and learning the hard way. I will lay it all out for you ahead of time so you will feel prepared and educated.
