Fun & Interesting

The Tinkerverse

The Tinkerverse

tinker: to work in the manner of a tinker especially to repair, adjust, or work with something in an unskilled or experimental manner; to repair, adjust, or experiment with.

I am a tinkerer several generations too late. I have an insatiable urge to know what every button or switch does and tend to break something so I can learn how to put it back together. A dictionary definition of tinker is to work unskillfully or clumsily at anything. We learn by failure.

The Tinkerverse is my attempt to shine light on my failures and teach what I have learned to help others in their adventures. Hopefully something I have shown here made some small impact on your life. If you enjoy this channel, please subscribe and follow me.

"My occupational hazard is my occupation's just not around" - Jimmy Buffet