Fun & Interesting

Rena Hedeman

Rena Hedeman

Open conversations about life changes after ~45 - our bodies, menopause, perimenopause, health & wellness, life reinvention, new adventures, and so much more. I'm here to start the conversations, stimulate discussion, offer guidance, and help you get through some big life changes.

⚠️As a Certified Nutrition and Life Coach, I know that life after 45 can be a VERY TRANSITIONAL TIME! Liberating on one hand - yet at times confusing, difficult and unpredictable. It's a LOT of change - physically, mentally & emotionally - that no one really warns you about. You face these changes and wonder "Is this normal or just me? How do I deal with it? Should I talk to my doctor about it?" The transitions of midlife hit me totally off guard. That's why I got educated, certified, and became the coach that my (then) 45-year old self needed. I'm 60 now and thriving! 💪

❤️ We're in this together, I'm so excited you're here & I can't wait to hear from you! ❤️