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Peace with Yog- Utpal Desai

Peace with Yog- Utpal Desai

I am Utpal Desai, Mind Healer (Mind health counsellor) and Life coach. I am the founder of unique life changing course- "Life renovating program" which is helpful to overcome mental diseases like Depression, Anxiety, Over thinking etc negativity. My mission is to bring awareness about the real ‘Ashtang Yog” and to change the lives of more than 10K peoples by teaching them positiveness. First 2 limbs of Ashtang Yoga Yam & Niyam are foundation of Yoga journey. My videos and my working area are these 2 limbs Yama and Niyama only. Means Yoga is ‘life style’, yoga is our ‘Thinking process’ and yoga is 'Art of living'.
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