I am an Aviation enthusiast 1st who loves all Military Vehicles. What started as a hobby of uploading Unboxing videos of pre-built Military Vehicle models has turned into something much more!
I plan on reviewing all of the 21st Century Toys/Ultimate Soldier, Elite Force, JSI/Merit, Forces of Valor and other military vehicle pre-built models. I also have a goal of reviewing the REAL Vehicles. That is already in the works and I am partnering with some really cool Military vehicle museums for access to some AMAZING (and very expensive) Military Vehicles.
The Vehicles I plan to review range from Aircraft to Tanks to Ships to Weapons and more!
I love the community that has formed around this channel and enthusiasm for Military Vehicles and those that have served. As this channel continues to grow so do my ideas :). I cant wait to share with you what I have planned.
Thank you for all who have served to protect us. We appreciate your service and recognize what you have sacrificed.