Fun & Interesting

ezola ehon

ezola ehon

I launched the YouTube channel "ezola ehon", hoping that there would be content that would help raising children and benefit children. Most of the stories, pictures, animations, voice productions, and music are original. We also have music for sleeping, videos to stop crying, videos for play / education, and songs for childcare. I hope it will be useful for moms who are busy right after giving birth and dads who have run out of space. Childcare tools are available by subscribing to the channel. Thank you very much.

I started "membership". You can use "12 hours" or "6 hours" without bat lullabies and advertisements.
You can use it for 6 hours without "Nechau" medley ads.

* Ezola Ehon is active as a team and there is no specific contributor. #Ezolapicturebook #ezolaehon