Fun & Interesting

Doc Snipes

Doc Snipes

Tips for mental health awareness, addiction recovery, depression and anxiety relief, healing from trauma, improving relationships and aging gracefully. Dr. Snipes has her PhD in counseling and has been licensed since 2002.

AllCEUs counselor education uses these videos to provide mental health training for counselors and social workers

Unlimited, on-demand counseling CEUs are available at for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs, LCSWs, Social Work CEUs, CRCs, LADCs and online training for addiction counselor certification. Our unlimited access package now also includes the LIVE PREMIER each Wednesday counts in most states toward ๐Ÿ™‹ live, interactive CEUs.

Topics include mental health awareness, depression, anxiety, attachment, addiction, cognitive behavioral therapy and more to provide resources for recovery, treatment and CEUs.

NOTE: VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for treatment from a licensed professional.