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Mission Statement of the Diocese of Trenton:
We, the people of the Catholic Church of Trenton, are called to proclaim and advance the Kingdom of God in the New Jersey Counties of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean.

- Within our rich diversity, we are made one by our Baptism in Christ.
- We are united with Jesus, the Eternal Shepherd, with our Holy Father, the Universal Shepherd, and with our Bishop, the local Shepherd.
- We form a community of faith, called to worship God, celebrate the sacraments and teach the Good News.
- As pilgrims, conscious of our sinfulness and need for reconciliation, we seek renewal always in the light of Christ.
- Responding to our call to discipleship, we reach out in love and service to all, ever striving to advance the cause of peace and justice in the Name of our Lord Jesus.