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Vishwaguru Bharat

Vishwaguru Bharat

Thise is the official YouTube channel of Siddharudh math Bidar.The Math is a non-political,non sectarian spiritual organisation.It is engaged in various forms of spiritual service activities from more than five decades.

This channel features the discourses given by Shri Siddharudh Swamiji math Bidar through this channel,we are attempting to disseminate his teachings to a wide audience of seekers and devotees.

Copyrights(C) belongs to Siddharudh Swamiji math Bidar.All rights are reserved

All content on this channel is protected by national and international copyright laws.Reproduction and distribution of these videos in parts or full without the permission of Shri Siddharudh math Bidar Foundation are strictly prohibited.Any un Contact number 8904002474…