Kobo ASMR, short for Korean Boyfriend ASMR, consists of wholesome role plays for comfort and insomnia. I hope to have a meaningful and memorable journey with you in years to come!
Please feel free to leave constructive comments for me to improve my craft. You may also support me through the following links, so I can keep providing quality contents:
⭐️ Paypal: paypal.me/cutiekobo
⭐️ Streamlabs: streamlabs.com/koreanboyfriend/tip
⭐️ Toonation: toon.at/donate/637153946344550083
If you would like to get to know me better, kindly consider checking me out on different platforms:
⭐️ Twitch (Live Stream): www.twitch.tv/chustation_
⭐️ Patreon (Personal Content): www.patreon.com/kobo
⭐️ Instagram (Personal Content): www.instagram.com/chustation_/
⭐️ Business Email (Role play Script Submission): cutiekobo@gmail.com
Thank you! I will see you around!
Profile Picture: yoorilart@gmail.com
Banner: @kobo.cafe