云南广播电视台官方频道 YMG Official Channel
云南广播电视台坚持"新闻与特色立台、资源与品牌强台、人才与管理兴台"的办台理念。树立"绿色人文、经典品质、内容为王、品牌制胜"的媒体文化,依托民族文化、旅游、面向东南亚、南亚、生态等四大资源优势,积极进取、勇于创新,打造出一批颇具特色的品牌节目,本频道将为您同步更新《经典人文地理》《舞动全城》《味道云南》等多个金牌栏目,欢迎订阅!Yunnan TV station keep putting three group of elements as their operating standards. They believe that the station should be set up based on news and specialisation, improve with enormous sources and their own brand, become thrive depending on talents and management. The station illustrate four key points as their media culture, which are economical implication, classical quality, contents comes first and taking brand as the top priority. Meanwhile, the station hope to target on southeast Asia, southern Asia audiences relying on the traditional culture and tourism. After rounds of developing and creating, the station wish to make their top programs become characterised. This channel would update few brand programs such as Live Music and Soldiers Sortie.