Dr. VIJAY CHATORIKAR has been working in the field of ASTROLOGY & VASTUSHASTRA for the last 20 to 25 years. His family has been serving in the field of Astronomy and Vastu Shastra for three generations. Dr. VIJAY CHATORIKAR has obtained a PhD in Astrology and Vastu Shastra.
While working in this field he has guided many Celebrities & great Personalities from different fields. In though Dr. VIJAY CHATORIKAR begin his work from rural parts of the country, he has his offices in big cities of Maharashtra, where he provides guidance in person, he has guided many people in India and abroad as well.
As a Social responsibility, he is also trying to help weaker sections of the society by Guiding them & getting them in the mainstream of the Society. Dr. VIJAY CHATORIKAR appears in TV programs on various channels and writes for Astrology & Horoscope columns in newspaper.