YouTube is just a hobby.
No need to subscribe to my channel (I'm not looking for sponsors or numbers in popularity). No need to 'like' or 'dislike' any videos (I'm not looking for hits or which video is great and which is shit), and I'm not interested in the least of making any kind of monetary gain of anything posted here. All work here is just a hobby and posted more for my own (and your) amusement, but I do like to share with anyone interested in watching them. I don't even need comments - good, bad or indifferent. This channel is not about any of that.
So if you came by to watch one of my videos, watch it, check out others I've made, come back later and see what else is new. And hopefully I've entertained you for just the brief moment.
Oh, and for the heck of it, I got 1 copyright strike for uploading a video that tons of others have uploaded about a dude that got shot with a carbon drink up his nose and then hit his head on a garage door. Image that.