Get your dose of cuteness about my fox life with hoomans!
My name is Djinn and I am the cutest fox in the world! I was raised by both my foxy parents and the extra milk-bottle-feeding-hooman in a warm house. When they couldn't take care of me anymore I got to live in my forever home with my two most favorite hoomans! We take long walks at the sand drifts, I get lots of living insects, meat and treats, and I have infinite hours of play-time with hoomans, woofers and meow-meows.
Although my ears are HUGE, they aren't extra sensible to high or loud noises: they actually help me to cool down in hot desert-like weather. My paws are floofy. That's why I wear a bell. Otherwise clumsy hoomans will stumble over me! I'm too speedy and stealthy for them! I like to make a lot of noise myself: when I'm happy and excited I'll wag my tail and even laugh out.
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