Fun & Interesting

Annier Lee

Annier Lee

Annier Lee /烏克麗麗演奏家

現為星願烏克麗麗樂團團長,其專輯「Takao風景日常」與「有貓陪伴的夜晚」在2017與2019入圍夏威夷Na Hoku Hanohano最佳國際專輯獎。

Annier Lee, ukulele player, bandleader of Star Wish Ukulele. The band's two albums "Takao Life Sketch " and "A Night with Cat" are both nominated for the international album of the year in 2017 and 2019 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards. Annier is a classically trained musician who has focused on ukulele since 2010. With fluent technique and classical music sensations, the music is vivid, cute, and elegant. Annier is good at various kinds of music such as classical music, pop, swing, and gypsy jazz.