Anees Poovathi is a Record holder in UGC NET Qualification. He has qualified UGC NET in 8 different subjects. Psychology, Commerce, Comparative Study of Religion, Public Administration, Tourism,Economics,Education and Management. Out of this he has JRF in Psychology and Commerce NET
for and in
is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals
‘Assistant Professor’
‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’
Indian universities and colleges.Post Graduation is the minimum qualification to attend the
UGC NET exam. Only 6% of candidates who attend the exam qualify NET and only 1%
qualify the JRF.
1. Qualified and got appointed in the first PSC Exam he ever wrote.
2. Appeared in UPSC Mains Exam in first attempt.
3. Qualified the exam for IB ACIO post in MHA, Central Government 4. Appeared in the list of Multiple PSC exams.
5. Winner of more than 100 quizzes throughout Kerala.