Fun & Interesting

Wayne's Weird World

Wayne's Weird World

The more I know,
the more I know I don't know.

Sorry, I don't do fancy titles, fast forwards or cute edits for pretty presentations. What you see is what you get. I'm not into the pretentious studio or stage sets. The background is real and often a mess, because I'm in the middle of doing stuff and I thought I might share it with you.
I don't have nor do I want sponsors. Donate your money to a worthy cause.

Maybe someday I'll have grandkids or rellies who will have a chuckle or admire what I do..... if not, so it goes. I couldn't give a rat's ass if I don't impress the 'plant lovers' or 'orchid girls'.
No shirt n tie when I'm working.

Weird and wonderful or mucking about with the mundane, these are things that I do and this is where I live on the N W Coast of Tasmania, Australia.

I'll share what I've learned from mistakes and triumphs for 'How To Do Things'. Remember, a technique is only One way to do something and it's not set in concrete unless I'm using concrete.
Have fun !