Fun & Interesting



Welcome! My name is Alan and here I post videos of my improvised live looping sets as well as other music related content.

One of my biggest inspirations when it comes to improvised live looping are Buddhist monks who have a practice where in groups will create complex and intricate sand mandalas over a period of time.

After constructing it and briefly appreciating its beauty, they then begin to deconstruct and unravel it until it is just unordered pieces of sand, what it was at the beginning. The point of the practice is to learn and respect the ephemeral nature of all things in the universe.

In my practice, I use layers of sound frequencies to form a construct that I feel has beauty and moves me in some way. Once I feel like I have appreciated its form, I then deconstruct and use those remaining pieces to begin constructing the next.

Instagram: timeritual (

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