Fun & Interesting

Butler Built

Butler Built

Thank you for supporting my work by watching a video or two, smashing that thumbs up button and/or subscribing so you don’t miss anything new!

Over the past several years my YouTube video creations have been a bit hit or miss and while I’m not gonna sugar coat it and make a likely empty promise to start cranking out weekly videos or anything I will go so far as to say that I am always wanting to create more!

I feel like I am still getting my feet wet here in YouTube and I welcome any thoughts, video ideas and/or criticisms. Seriously! Please don’t hold back! Help me help you and don’t be shy about asking questions or leaving comments telling me I’m a bonehead!

I hope these videos inspire you to tackle a project or two that you’ve never done or to improve the way you do something. Building things has been a part of my life for so long I can’t hardly imagine getting through a day without making something.
So, if you don’t know - have a go! and let me know how it went!