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慈慧幼苗Healthy Seed

慈慧幼苗Healthy Seed

「慈慧幼苗」由羅鷹石慈慧基金創始贊助於2014年成立,是一所致力拓展0至6歲幼兒培育及發展的慈善機構,透過專業的家長教育培訓課程及互動資源平台等服務,教育公眾正確的育兒知識,帶動社會重視家庭的心理健康,啟導幼兒建立正向思維與正面價值觀,從而締造理想的社會環境。截至 2022年,受惠的兒童、家長、社工、教育工作者及專業同工等人士逾62,700人,受惠團體及機構超過510個。

Healthy Seed, a charitable organization initiated and funded by the Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation in 2014, is dedicated to the provision of early childhood care and development services for children aged 0-6. Healthy Seed believes that instilling good attitudes and values into children can help create a pleasant social environment filled with positive energy. With this in mind, we strive to promote childhood care and development by providing professional training courses about parenting education and practical information on its online resource platform. As of 2022, Healthy Seed’s services have reached over 510 institutions and its training courses have benefited over 62,700 recipients, including children, parents, social workers, educators and professionals alike.