Fun & Interesting

Refresh your Emaan

Refresh your Emaan

1. Repent.
We (humans) were created to be imperfect beings and no one is without sin in this world, no matter how small. Committing sins no matter how small takes a toll on our heart and soul and decreases our iman and leads us astray. Allah, the most merciful, has said “Seek forgiveness of your Lord and then turn to Him in repentance”.

2. Perform Salah Regularly
Among the five pillars of Islam is the performance of Salah. Not only are we performing an obligatory deed, we are also nurturing our iman by establishing a direct link between ourselves and Allah (SWT). The benefits of performing Salah are numerous, one being it helps us enjoin good and forbid evil.

3. Remembering Death
Allah (SWT) has said in the Qur’an that every soul shall taste death. It doesn’t matter where or who you are or how old you are, you will die eventually. The remembrance of death will revive our enthusiasm to do good and gain the pleasure of Allah (SWT) so as to enter Jannah (paradise)